
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this year’s XXII State of the Art Refractive and Cataract Surgery.

I am delighted to welcome an international faculty of thought leaders who are at the forefront of the latest developments in cataract and refractive surgery. From corneal transplantation and premium vision with premium IOLs to challenging cases, this conference covers a wide range of topics that are essential for any ophthalmologist looking to stay ahead of the game.

It gives me great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to our distinguished faculty members, Mr Ahmed Bardan, Mr Ashraf Armia, Dr Domenico Boccuzzi, Mr Indy Sian, Prof John Marshall, Ms Masara Laginaf, Mr Mayank Nanavaty, Prof Mohamed Goweida, Dr Pavol Veslý, Ms Seema Anand and Ms Tina Khanam. I thank them for the time and energy they have invested in making this symposium a success. I am deeply appreciative of their valuable contributions.

Our partnership with the industry is critical in retaining free delegate registration. I thank them for their continuing support. Eye News continues to be our media partner and I appreciate their contributions.

Your feedback and interaction is critical to the success of this symposium. I would encourage you all to actively participate in the discussions. Please take a moment to fill in the electronic evaluation form and you will receive your attendance certificate via email.

Thank you for attending and making the XXII State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery a successful educational experience.

Enjoy the day!

Milind Pande
Symposium Chairman

The Eye

Said the Eye one day, “I see beyond
these valleys a mountain veiled with
blue mist. Is it not beautiful?”

The Ear listened, and after listening
intently awhile, said, “But where is
any mountain? I do not hear it.”

Then the Hand spoke and said,
“I am trying in vain to feel it or touch it,
and I can find no mountain.”

And the Nose said, “There is no
mountain, I cannot smell it.”

Then the Eye turned the other way,
and they all began to talk together
about the Eye’s strange delusion.

And they said, “Something must be
the matter with the Eye.”

Kahlil Gibran